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Studio XS Free resources thinked for Cinema 4D and Octane for awesome renders!
Hundreds of unique tools to drag and drop into your next Cinema 4D scene.
Compatible with both C4D Physical & Standard renderer and many others: Octane, RedShift, Arnold etc.

Hope you enjoy the freebies section, if you’d like to learn the best place to start is here!!
You can download any of these, open them up, and study how they work or even use them for your own projects.
If you’re looking for something to play with and learn 3D then this section is an excellent resource to save!
Be sure to bookmark this page, and i’ll keep updating with new free assets.

If you use any of the packs or tools below, give me a feedbackshare with me your work and your thoughts on working with these XS elements.

You can also show some love by posting on Facebook or tweeting about the XS product or tagging #studioxs on Instagram too!

You may not redistribute or include these files in your own free/commercial products.

Terrain Kit Free

Here is a kit of 3 unique terrains free and ready to use!

3 Cinema 4D project files with Octane Render setup of all materials for HiQuality renders!

18.02.2019 - Finalist with the Pros !!

Finalist in the Lost Civilizations contest organized by the Motion Designer Community!
Happiness and commotion ... I have already won!
See my name on the Motion Designers Community alongside great artists like Alex Ness (NessGraphics) , Nick Scarcella (_nscr) is priceless!

You can contact me for ...

3D render & Motion Design, Photo, Video, Product & Architectural Visualization, Illustrations, Digital Covers, Concept Art, Lighting, Texturing, Photo Manipulation, Color Grading, Compositing, Particle FX & Simulations, 360 Panorama, Sound Design, Logo Design

Who and what inspire me

Motion Designer Community, Ash Thorp - Altcinc.comMike Winkelmann - BeepleDavid Brodeur - LockedAndLoadingDavid Ariew - ArievVisualsPaschou Constantin - The French MonkeyAndrey Lebrov - Lebrov.comSci-Fi Movies, Nature, Space, Music, Ancient Civilizations

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